Evaluating your Project

Project Evaluation Prompts

Use the prompts below to help you structure a detailed, reflective account of any of your completed Unit 1 Personal Projects. Your evaluation should help the examiner understand how you have developed a response to a chosen theme over time. Use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar. Write in as much detail as you can. Use short, clear sentences. Explain (how?, why?) as well as describe (who?, what?, when?)


Develop ideas through sustained and focused investigations informed by contextual and other sources, demonstrating analytical and critical understanding.

  • What theme did you explore? What were your first thoughts about the theme? How did your ideas and feelings change about it as you developed your work?

  • Which artists/photographers have you researched during this project? How did you discover them? What have you learned from studying their work?

  • Which of the big ideas about photography have you tackled? Explain how you did this.


Experiment with and select appropriate resources, media, materials, techniques and processes, reviewing and refining work as it develops.

  • Describe the experiments you have carried out with different media, materials, techniques and processes and explain the decisions you made about how to refine and develop your work.

  • How did you develop your investigation? How has it become more sophisticated over time? What changed along the way?

  • What have you found most challenging about working like an artist/photographer? How did you change along the way?


Present a personal, informed and meaningful response demonstrating critical understanding, realising intentions and, where appropriate, making connections between visual, written, oral or other elements.

  • Describe your final outcome(s) for this Personal Project in some detail. How have you chosen to present your ideas?

  • What were you hoping to create? Did it work?

  • Do you think you have successfully explored the theme? Why/why not?

  • If you had more time, what else would you have liked to try?

  • What is personal about your work?

  • What do you hope viewers will understand from looking at it?

Don't forget to use your Photography Keywords when writing about your project - click the link below to be taken to the correct page: